Esme Writes.

Frost and Emerson (possibly Bukowski) and The Death of The Little Joy but not the Open Mic

Dear members and supporters of the LJOM Congregation,

The honor I feel in every space inside my heart and chest and lungs and fingers and toes and head and stomach is like a million grape sized balloons in the best and brightest colors all inflated and floating and released at once into the air around me. It is reverse confetti. Beauty rises into the sky instead of a gravity effected free fall. You are all beyond the conventions of equations and expectations. Walls do not define, nor contain the energy that you have defied the world and universe to make.

This morning I was listening to the CD as I drove to work and I am so filled with happiness and love and pride that you would allow me to stand beside you and share in the same manner. The talents that pour from your mouths and fingers and minds and souls are the most flabbergasting and floorflattening and absolute brilliant shining moments I have had in Los Angeles.

It is like home. It is like religion. It is a movement and a spin and a dance and a silence and a drug.

I am addicted.

Please do not send me to de-tox. Keep feeding my head and my veins and my cells and my mouth until I am gorged and obese and happy and lolling in the pure ecstasy of gluttony with no possibility of ill effect other than the need to give as much as I feel I have taken from you, and each time return improved. Better. For you.

I want to be a better person for you. Each of you.

The loss I have felt from the lack of my own personal expression and observation coupled with the challenge of regaining all that is lost in a town not known for its gentle touch, but rather its haughty and critical eye, has built a road on a steep hill in Echo Park for me to climb. Each of you have been an open palm and a kind word in my attempt to keep going.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, dear Congregation. My belief in the power of art and beauty and haphazard family has been restored. (Praise it!)

With all my heart helium and sunshine,


(*******For more information regarding the LJOM Congregation, please check out the Link under the movers/shakers column*******)